特殊教育理学士学位(pre -12)

Special Education培养有价值的专业技能,对学生产生终身影响

特殊教育是一种使命. 为有学习障碍和发育迟缓的学生提供教学和宣传, 并帮助他们克服挑战, 是一份非常有回报的职业吗.

有专业的老师和资源,比如GMercyU自闭症研究所, 你将培养你的能力和信心来应对未来学生的需求.

这个学位提供了获得认证的途径. It is also the perfect path for pursuing an applied behavioral analysis (ABA) certification program on the graduate level, which could further boost your salary and employment opportunities as a special education teacher.

Certification: This program was designed to meet the certification requirements of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 如果你住在不同的州,你应该仔细检查 你所在州的认证要求 在参加这个项目之前.

Exciting News! The Pennsylvania Department of Education has waived the requirement to pass a Basic Skills assessment in order to pursue Teacher Certification. 阅读下面的教师认证途径. 

Program Details

At GMercyU, 60多年来,我们一直在帮助学生成为他们想成为的老师. You will have access to expert faculty and resources as you develop your teaching and classroom management skills, 你将会秉承GMercyU的诚信价值观, respect, service, 并将社会公正融入课堂,使学生不仅转变为终身学习者, but good people. Learn more below.

TAP studentYou will be placed in a classroom as early as the second week of September of your freshman year!

Our 教师学徒计划(TAP) helps you gain first-hand insight into how the real world of education works before taking your turn at the head of the class.

你总共要花8个学期在教室里学习. Your final two semesters will be dedicated to pre-student teaching and student teaching experiences where you can take your turn at the head of the class.

了解你的课程是很重要的, 在课堂上培养自己的教学风格也很重要. 通过GMercyU在课堂上的动手方法, 你会学到有效的课堂管理方式, 一组通信方法, 并且能够处理课堂上的冲突. Our real-world approach to teaching will prepare you to better understand your students in a dynamic setting.

*Please note, Education students must provide their own transportation to and from their various field experiences.

No matter your major, all GMercyU classes are taught by full-time or part-time faculty members – no teaching assistants. In fact, the professors in our Education Programs have more than 130 years of combined experience as educators!


  • A personal advisor 谁将指导你度过这四年.
  • 实地实习协调员, Dr. Cheryl Malfi,她将帮助确保你有一个成功的学生教学经验.
  • 认证和就业专家. 一旦进入教师资格认证的轨道. Pat McAleer将确保您满足成为宾夕法尼亚州认证教师的所有要求.


帮助解决全国教师短缺的问题, the Basic Skills requirements for candidates entering teacher preparation programs have been waived.  This means incoming Education majors do not need to pass a Pennsylvania Department of Education Basic Skills assessment prior to entering a teacher certification track. 这是来自Dr. 克里·赫尔姆,宾夕法尼亚州教育部:

7月8日,沃尔夫州长签署了2022年第55号法案, 2022, requires the Secretary of Education to waive the requirement to satisfactorily complete the assessment of basic skills required under section 1207.3 and 22 Pa. Code § 49.18(c)(摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站评估),从2022年7月8日至2025年7月8日,为期3年. This applies to all students who enter preparation programs during this period as well as otherwise qualified candidates for licensure who make application during this period. 

学生仍然需要满足3.0 GPA要求,如下所述.   

Transfer Students 我以3分的成绩被这所大学录取.0 GPA or higher and at least 48 credits will be admitted directly into the Teacher Certification track of their choice.

所有其他被录取的学生,包括即将入学的新生 会以教育研究专业入学吗. They will be eligible to enter a Certification track once they have earned between 48 and 60 credits with a cumulative 3.0 GPA or higher. 学生将与各自的指导老师一起监督这一进程.

将这份弃权书签署成为法律, students who aspire to be teachers will have a smoother path to a Certification track during the approved waiver period. 即将入学的学生将与项目协调员一起努力实现这一目标.

An essential part of becoming a certified teacher in Pennsylvania is passing the required Pennsylvania Department of Education tests.

在GMercyU,我们将帮助您准备这些测试. 你不仅要和你的导师密切合作,而且我们的 Student Success Center 提供了许多帮助您准备这些测试的机会, 包括一系列基本技能工作坊, 为考试做练习的计算机程序, 私人一对一辅导, 还有各种各样的材料供你们自己准备.

由商业与教育学院副院长Deb Schadler博士创立 Autism Institute focuses on scientifically research-based best practices for supporting students on the Autism spectrum.

GMercyU的自闭症研究所为学生提供基于研究的最佳实践, 还有老师和行政人员, parents of children on the autism spectrum and any interested community members through resources and services such as the annual Autism Conference.

You will be able to take the best-practices learned and apply them directly to your own classroom.


Education Outreach Club
Its mission is to provide an opportunity for those with a passion for helping the community to come together to learn, collaborate, 分享教育经验. 这家俱乐部为会员提供与专业人士接触的机会, 参加教育和社会活动, and volunteer. 成为这个俱乐部的一员将促进相互理解, education, 以及GMercyU社区的最佳实践.

Best Buddies
Our Best Buddies chapter matches GMercyU students with members of the community who have Intellectual and developmental disabilities, hosts monthly events, 并参与筹款活动.

Kappa Delta Pi荣誉协会
它是历史最悠久、规模最大的教育荣誉学会. 邀请加入是基于学术成就, 把教育作为一种事业的承诺, 以及专业的态度,保证会员在教育领域的稳步成长.

除了通识教育的要求, 要获得特殊教育学士学位,你需要完成以下课程:


EDU 100  Education in America
EDU 216 Foundations of Teaching & Learning Pre K-4  
EDU 226 阅读序列1 -早期读写能力研究的基础
EDU 227 Pre -4的数学方法
EDU 228 Art and Humanities
EDU 229  Instruction & Assessment
EDU 309  K-8学前教育中的技术整合
EDU 316  阅读素养教学、评估 & Intervention
EDU 351 满足英语学习者的需求

特殊教育专业- 33学分

SPE 205 Exceptional Person
SPE 231  包容性环境中的轻度/中度残疾
SPE 232 在包容性环境中有复杂需求的学生
SPE 332 有复杂需要学生的评估与指导
SPE 331 为轻度/中度人群实施包容性做法
EDU 415   Pre-Student Teaching
EDU 498 学生教学(Capstone)
EDU 106 家庭、学校和社区关系
EDU 416 响应文化的课堂

Credit Requirements

特殊教育学士学位至少需要120个学分. 这个项目需要犯罪背景调查, child abuse clearance, and certain immunizations and other health-related clearances in order to participate in all field experiences.

Undergraduate Minors

增加你的幼儿教育学位的价值 undergraduate minor 这最能满足你的个人和职业目标.

想知道你的课程会是什么样子? 这里有一些你作为特殊教育专业的学生需要学习的课程. 

SPE 205杰出人士
The course will require students to demonstrate knowledge of the fundamental concepts of teaching students with cognitive, 0-21岁的行为和/或身体健康残疾. 这将包括:哲学, 教育的历史和法律基础, 现行识别标准, 法律和教育定义, etiology, 发病率和流行率数字, as well as cognitive, 残疾学生的行为和身体特征. The course will present models and theories of typical/atypic growth and behavior across age groups, as well as disabilities.

SPE 231轻度/中度残疾
教育和医学定义, etiology, identification criteria and current incidence and prevalence rates for students with learning disabilities, 表现为情绪/行为障碍和轻度智力迟钝. 本课程将回顾与这些条件研究相关的主要理论模型. 需要现场经验.

SPE 331实施轻度/中度人群的包容性实践
Applications of fundamental concepts for teaching students with mild to moderate disabilities are presented. 学生将检查规范参考, criterion-referenced and curriculum-based instruments and procedures for assessing and diagnosing students who are experiencing learning and behavior problems in school. Students will conduct curriculum-based assessments to identify students' academic strengths and weaknesses. Students will also learn to create an environment conducive to learning through an applied behavior analysis perspective.

请浏览所有特殊教育课程说明 refer to the undergraduate catalog.

Deb Schadler
Deb Schadler博士,CPCRT, PRSE
教授兼负责学生成功的临时副院长 & Retention Initiatives
Did You Know? Dr. Schadler也是GMercyU自闭症研究所的主任. 她开发并教授了GMercyU的本科特殊教育课程.
Read bio

Marianne BoydMarianne Boyd, M. Ed.
Position: 教育学实践教授
Did You Know? Professor Boyd has extensive experience as a classroom teacher and an elementary principal and brings a wealth of experience to her courses. 她是教育拓展俱乐部的联合顾问.
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Marianne Boyd
Patrick McAleer, EdD
Position: 认证和就业专家,兼职教授
Did You Know? Prior to GMercyU, Dr. McAleer在皮特曼(新泽西州)公立学校担任了33年的教师和行政人员, 包括11年的学校监督.
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Meet an Education Major

认识更多的学生-看 GMercyU大学之旅的一集!

Career Opportunities

全国都需要特殊教育教师. 根据劳工统计局的数据,大约 35,900 openings 到2032年,特殊教育教师预计每年增加.

In 2022, 特殊教育教师的平均年薪为65美元,910个,收入最高的10%超过106美元,290, according to the BLS.

在这些地区和更多地区, GMercyU students have recently completed student teaching and landed teaching positions after graduation:

  • 阿宾顿学区
  • 本塞勒姆学区
  • 中央雄鹿学区
  • 殖民地学区
  • 理事会岩学区
  • 哈伯罗-霍舍姆学区
  • 下摩兰学区
  • MAST Charter School
  • 梅瑟顿学区
  • 内沙米尼学区
  • 北宾州学区
  • Perkiomen Valley学区
  • 费城学区
  • 凤凰城学区
  • 斯普林菲尔德学区
  • St. Malachy School
  • 上都柏林学区
  • 上莫兰学区
  • Wissahickon学区

教育学专业的海莉·麦克唐纳说Hailey McDonnell '24
早期教育和特殊教育专业, Hailey is currently completing her student-teaching and has had three fieldwork experiences during her time in the program. 通过这些经历, 海莉得到了工作机会, 其中一个是约翰霍普金斯大学, 通过与教授建立关系. 她的目标是最终在特殊教育环境中工作.

Read more about 海莉在德国商业大学的经历.

Meet more 教育专业学生和校友.

我很自豪地说,我从大一开始就在真正的教室里教书了. In our coursework, 我们编写课程计划并执行这些课程,以获得教授的建设性反馈. 这对于一个未来的老师来说是非常重要的. 

-Samantha Venezia ' 22早期/特殊教育

Next Steps

你是否已经在其他机构获得了大学水平的学分? GMercyU使您可以轻松地转移-了解如何在我们的 Transfer Admissions page.

你也可以浏览我们与地区学校的协议 Transfer Your Credits page, and check out our 转校生保证奖学金.

对GMercyU的入学要求有疑问吗? 我们的招生人员随时准备引导您完成申请GMercyU的过程.

Email: admissions@flcoastline.com
Phone: 215-641-5510

Apply Now

At GMercyU, 我们努力通过财政援助使所有人都能获得优质教育, scholarships, and grants. 作为一所军事友好型大学, 我们欢迎服务成员并参与所有VA教育福利计划. 

成为那种能够帮助改变mg摆脱电子游戏官方网站的老师. 在GMercyU获得特殊教育学士学位!

Apply Now